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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sinopsis/Synopsis MOMOK..Jangan Cari Pasal..


MOMOK..Jangan Cari Pasal!… (Tak Pasal-Pasal Cari Pasal)

M.Jamil bersama krew produksinya sedang melakukan penggambaran filem MOMOK - Jangan Cari Pasal!. Penggambaran filem ini sering terganggu pada setiap adegan seram cuba dijalankan. Sejak hari pertama penggambaran, krew, pelakon dan tenaga kerja yang terlibat telah diganggu oleh ‘Momok’ dan kejadian-kejadian yang aneh dan penuh misteri. Bermula dengan babak Rasuk di mana pelakon Sheril Aida dan Wan Raja telah benar-benar dirasuk. Penggambaran tergendala. Begitu juga dengan hari-hari seterusnya yang melibatkan babak Pontianak dan Pocong di mana gangguan di babak Pontianak dan Pocong mengakibat beberapa pelakon dan krew produksi jatuh sakit. Pelbagai kejadian seram dan lucu yang telah berlaku yang turut membuat penggambaran tergendala. Ajaq dan Kamarul, dua orang pelakon mula menimbulkan kerenah mengganggu pengarah dan krew kerana terpaksa menunggu lama di lokasi. Maka terjadilah pula cinta lokasi di antara Ajaq dan Liza, si mekap artis. Kehampaan dan gangguan di lokasi juga telah menyebabkan beberapa pelakon dan krew produksi turut diserang histeria. Akhirnya sebagai pengarah, M.Jamil mengambil keputusan untuk ‘berhenti seketika’ dari membuat penggambaran bagi membolehkan beliau membuat majlis doa selamat dan tolak bala. Berjayakah penggambaran diteruskan selepas itu? Ke mana hilangnya Ajaq, pelakon baru yang terlalu minat untuk berlakon namun akhirnya lari ketika di set penggambaran? Mungkinkah beliau telah disorok Bunian? Bagaimana Pocong dan Pontianak sebenar mengganggu pengambaran? Apakah kemunculan kucing hitam di lokasi penggambaran sebagai jelmaan ‘MOMOK’ untuk memberitahu sesuatu? Dapatkah filem ini akhirnya disiapkan oleh M.Jamil walaupun hampir kesemua krewnya diganggu? Semuanya bakal terjawab dalam filem bergenre Komedi Thriller ….
“Momok.. Jangan Cari Pasal!” (Tak Pasal-Pasal Cari Pasal!)

M. Jamil with production crews are shooting a film MOMOK don’t find trouble. The set of the film is often impaired by spooky and scary scenes. Since the first day of the shooting the crews, actors and the set involved has been plagued Momok.The strange events and mysterious happening starting with the set of Rasuk ;Sheril Aida and Wan Raja and the set has become possessed by an angry sprite .So also with the day to night onwards involving Pontianak and Pocong, where disturbances in on locations and the shooting set has been visited by actual ghost resulted in some of the performers and production crews getting sick. Various spooky and funny events that have cause the disruption of the shooting and the problems on the haunted sets.Ajaq and Kamarul, two first time actors who excitement and constant annoyance causes tension and disturbs the crew and the director, with the already problematic haunting and with the production crews who are constantly putting up with their nonsense on the setThen there is also romance between Ajaq and Liza, the makeup artist on the set which causes another problem when the production crews are also attacked the hysteria. Finally as the last straw, the director, M. Jamil took upon the decision to 'stop immediately' to allow a break to settle the matters above with a prayer for the safety of the production and those involve.Where did Ajaq disappeared to after he fled the set? Could he have been “hidden” by the fairy folks? How did the real Pocong and Pontianak turn up and disturb the set causing a lot of problems ?Does the appearance of a black cat during the end of prayers depicts there are more Momok going to find trouble with M.Jamil and his team ? Can the film by M. Jamil be finished although almost all of his crew and team has been trouble by actual haunting from day one ?Everything will be answered in the film genre Comedy Thriller ...."Momok .. Do not Find Trouble!!! (When trouble then finds more problems)MOMOK..Jangan Cari Pasal!… (Tak Pasal-Pasal Cari Pasal)

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